Athletics + Fitness
学生活动中心不再需要预订,现在的学生可以使用, faculty, staff, and alumni with your SJC ID card. For more information contact for more information.
“Athletics” means a lot of things at St. John’s in Santa Fe. 它指的是受东方影响的运动,如射箭和合气道,这些运动需要专注于冥想,以发展身心. It means adventure sports, 哪项运动需要一个人的勇气和决心来克服外部挑战——比如一条黑钻石滑雪道或一堵800英尺高的墙. It means intramural games and drop-in classes, from yoga and dance to racquetball and volleyball; from Crossfit-style training and weightlifting to soccer and Ultimate Frisbee; from table tennis to real tennis, and more!
Student Activities Center
Racquetball. Volleyball. Weights. Shall we continue?
Get Fit, Have Fun at the SAC
Built in 2000, the 26,000平方英尺的学生活动中心(SAC)为校园学生的生活质量注入活力. Home to approximately 40 offerings per week, the SAC houses a full-size gymnasium, two racquetball/squash courts, a bike loan shop, a part-time dojo, 还有一个广泛的运动和自由重量训练室. Equipment for tennis, racquetball, squash, pool, table tennis, 户外探险活动可以在前台办理退房手续. All skill levels welcome and instruction provided.
该中心的主任根据学生的意见开发了新的课程,最近还资助了新的课程(比如芭蕾)。, 完整的交通选择到校外地点. Long-standing classes include aikido, karate, archery, soccer, pottery, yoga, and a slate of outdoor adventure options like skiing, snowboarding, kayaking, climbing, and backpacking. In addition, 导师Krishnan Venkatesh的“铁书虫”和SAC主管Mary Anne Burke的“JohnnieStrong”之间展开了良性竞争.
However, just as in the classroom, 学生活动中心的真正意义不是竞争, 而是对自我和我们共享的社区有了更深刻的理解.
Monday–Friday: 7:30 a.m.–7 p.m.
Saturday: 10 a.m.–5 p.m.
Sunday: Closed
Monday: 7 a.m.–7 p.m. / 9:45 p.m.–midnight
Tuesday: 7 a.m.–10 p.m.
Wednesday: 7 a.m.–10 p.m.
Thursday: 7 a.m.–7 p.m. / 9:45 p.m.–midnight
Friday: 7 a.m.–9 p.m.
Saturday: 9 a.m.–8 p.m.
Sunday: 9 a.m.–8 p.m. / 9 –10 a.m., female, femme, and non-binary student hour
The Grassy Field
300 days of sun = fun on the field.
草地球场位于落基山校区底部的学生活动中心下方. 田野是所有可以想象的户外活动展开的地方, 从射箭比赛和足球比赛到终极飞盘和我们的年度胡里节,荣誉我们的南亚社区. 这里有烧烤、水球大战和葬礼比赛. It is the hallowed location of the annual softball game, 哪一项以学生和教职员工之间的竞技游戏结束了这一年.
Intramural Program
Are you a Geometer or Myrmidon? An Olympian or Quixotic?
St. John’s has a long history of intramural sports, 每个约翰尼都被分配到一个团队,这个团队将保持不变,直到毕业或以后. In other words, one’s team is a team for life, 跨越班级的深厚友谊是在球场上和运动场上建立起来的. 最大的问题是:你将被分配到哪个团队,谁将是你四年竞争的同学? 在圣达菲,队伍是几何学家,堂吉诃德,弥尔米顿和奥林匹亚.
Regardless of skill level, 所有的学生都是受欢迎的,能够在一个温馨的环境中发现业余运动的乐趣, exercise, and friendly competition are emphasized. 事实上,校友、兄弟姐妹、教职员工和家长经常被邀请参加.
随着新班级和学生对新类型的团队比赛表现出兴趣,体育项目可能会逐年变化, common sports include soccer, volleyball, Ultimate Frisbee, flag football, basketball, dodgeball, four square, and table tennis.
那么学生参加校内运动会到底能赢得什么呢? We’re glad you asked. 参加比赛的学生在每场比赛中都会获得分数,他们希望获得最高和最令人垂涎的奖项——St. John’s navy blazer!
Sports + Wellness
Not into team competition? You’re not alone.
想要一些不同于校内和竞技体育的东西? 学生活动中心赞助了一系列健身和健康项目,包括举重和瑜伽等自主健身活动.
而sac赞助的项目和活动每年都在变化,并根据学生表达的兴趣提供, common offerings are yoga, archery, aikido, karate, and drop-in volleyball. In addition, there are regular student-, tutor-, 以及由员工主导的课程,比如Over 9000(一种综合健身课程), Iron Bookworm (weightlifting), and Women Warriors (a stretch and power class). 最近,SAC还为学生举办了芭蕾舞课程.
Bike Loan Program
Want to cycle downtown? We have bikes, helmets, and locks available!
对于那些想要骑着两轮车探索不同城市的学生来说,St. 约翰的自行车贷款计划将通勤者和城市冒险者直接送入圣达菲市中心. 这些通勤自行车,连同锁和头盔,24小时免费使用.
我们也提供一个学期的自行车先到先借, 住在校外或在校外工作的学生先到先得. 租借自行车的费用是50美元,包括学期的基本调整和维修.
For mountain bikers, 我们的户外项目提供山地自行车旅行,包括高端山地自行车.
In addition to these offerings, 我们也有一个完整的自行车维修工作台,欢迎学生在那里工作,他们的自行车. Don’t know how to fix something? 校园里经验丰富、知识渊博的机械师会教你! This, too, is free of charge.
Outdoor Equipment Rentals
Planning your own adventure? Free snowshoes, backpacks, paddleboards, and more!
Keep involved by following the SJC Outdoor Program on Instagram @sjcoutdoorprogram.
It’s true! 学院免费为学生提供户外探险装备, 帮助促进与朋友的自助旅行. These include:
- top-of-the-line backpacks
- sleeping bags
- snowshoes,
- cook stoves
- climbing shoes
- crash pads
- paddleboards
- personal flotation devices (PFDs).
For more information, inquire with the Outdoor Program, which is housed in the Student Activity Center.
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